For this weeks post as I may be late adding this as I have been juggling other courses and that my final submissions and final exams are underway. I thought about how and what I will be posting as well creating for my brick stitch earrings and I thought of how I can relate my earrings to some personal information related to my childhood pets. The resources that helped me to create these beautiful earrings are Pinterest and YouTube. Both designs from the feather and diamond combined I decided to create one project which will be mentioned later. Growing up there were many pets that I owned however their were two that really had an impact within my life and then there was another pet that we owned that sure made us kids in my family bring back memories every time we went camping.
The picture of this earring on the left I chose to do is of a wolfs foot print. The reason for choosing this design is because I wanted to create a design that reminded me of my two pet dogs that I had throughout my life. I grew up with them at separate times throughout my teen/adult years and they both had very meaning to me in my heart. Their names were max and lassie. I like to mention that both these pets I didn’t own at the same time. I was about maybe 16 when I owned my first pet Lassie and she was one of a kind. Most of our dogs we owned are half breeds from wolfs. In the summer our family would go out camping to our camp called Lessard Creek which is not far from Brock River on the shoreline and we would bring our pets for protection. Well Lassie’s mother went out onto the land and didn’t come back for a few days and when she did she was pregnant which she mated with a wolf that led to how most of our dogs is half breed from wolves. She was a amazing tracker and protected our family from other animals while in camp.
My second pet dog that i owned after Lassie passed was Max who was also am amazing pet that was great at tracking. He was so fluffy that made others scared of him due to how big he was. All of our dogs were trained and friendly however for Max he looked scary due to his appearance. I loved how he made us kids feel loved and safe throughout his time with us. Both dogs were one of a kind well in my eye they were.
This second earring on the right that is made from two different designs, I decided to create one project which is of eagle feathers within a diamond shape earring that resembles the pet eagle we had as a pet growing up. The story is that when us kids were pretty much near our adult years at the time when my parents just had one grandchild (now have five grandchildren) we found this eagle that was abandoned by its mother and we took the bird in and cared for it until it grew big enough to support itself out in the wild. My family called the eagle Gallaq. We had it for a few year and when it was able to fend for itself (grew to a big bird) we had to set it free but it kept coming back as it new us and was i think scared to be set out but eventually Gallaq went free. Every time we went to our camp Lessard Creek we would see the pet eagle and we knew that was Gallaq.
I enjoyed making my first earring that of a wolf foot print as it was easy to create after seeing the design through Pinterest however for the second earring of the eagle feather I struggled a bit. I had to improvise with the colors as I didn’t have the right ones for the original design which the feather was orange, yellow, and red Delica beads. So instead I had different shades of purple and I can say for me the earring of the eagle feathers turned out. What made this design (eagle feathers) difficult is that my thread kept busting (3 or more times) in the middle of beading and I had to reattach the thread which I had to take apart and redo as this made me frustrated every time the thread busted so I had to clear my mind and then continue. Most of my supplies for my beading projects I get from here in Whitehorse from the two local store downtown on main street. The stores are called Bearpaw Gifts store and the Indian Craft Shop Ltd. I might have to go back for different color that I don’t have in order to create my final learning project which I am excited to do.